The Jones Trust follows a philanthropic mission established by the late Harvey and Bernice Jones. Throughout their lives, they gave back to the entire Northwest Arkansas area, the State of Arkansas, and especially the community of Springdale, Arkansas in which they lived and worked.
Harvey Jones founded his truck line in 1918 with just two mules and a wagon hauling goods to Rogers, Springdale, and Fayetteville. Through hard work, commitment, and dedication, Jones Truck Lines became the largest privately owned and operated fleet in America.
Throughout the years, Harvey and his wife Bernice became a driving force in Springdale and throughout Northwest Arkansas, generously supporting education and healthcare, among other regional projects.
Bernice Jones had a dream to build a community center in Springdale, AR where families could come together for recreation, education, and an overall feelings of togetherness. In 1995 her dream became a reality when the Harvey and Bernice Jones Center for families opened and was proclaimed a place where "all are welcome who behave as ladies and gentlemen."
That initial dream was transformed into larger scale community service with the addition of the Center for Nonprofits at St. Mary's, the Center for Nonprofits at the JTL Shops, and the Harvey Jones Education Building as well as other properties in Northwest Arkansas communities. By supporting these organizations The Jones Trust is doing its part to create a vibrant and sustainable future for the whole region. Through collaboration, cooperation, and community support The Trust is committed to serving the region utilizing the values and standards set by Harvey and Bernice Jones throughout their lives.